I'm going to post a card deck with items of interest. I hope to make a collection of items that are way more quirky or interesting than they are powerful. My sole purpose in providing these is to increase player's opportunities to abuse what they're given in creative and memorable ways. But we're going to make them work for it.
This topic is for you to contribute item ideas (under a CC-BY-SA license) if you would like. Any ideas I include will have a little illustration, a hopefully witty remark written under them, and be printable with a card front/back along with the rest of the pack.
I learn toward the whimsical. If you have an item idea that is clearly useful and not otherwise strange, it is probably a better match for your own publication. If you want me to use it, make it worse <3. I'll post some of the ones I've come up with when I get back to my computer.
I hope people appreciate this, and I look forward to seeing your ideas.