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A jam submission

Who I amView game page

The player must discover the horrifying and intriguing secrets to their identity.
Submitted by pawloKoder — 29 minutes, 21 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Innovation (is the game new/interesting and creatively uses new/old assets?)#14.6004.600
Adherence to the theme (does it incorporate the theme in a genuine way?)#34.6004.600
Gameplay (How fun is the game to play?)#44.2004.200
Completion (How complete is the final piece?)#54.4004.400
Well-rounded (Is the game well rounded in terms of art, sound etc)#54.4004.400

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • A very detailed and extensive game! Lots of things to do and discover, and the twist brings up some good narrative questions! I think a bit more guidance and clarity would help to bring out the best in the game, but impressive nonetheless

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Loved the twist at the end!


Incredible art! very smooth gameplay. Love the plot (even tho its a bit creepy) and the music really fit well into the atmosphere of the game