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Ask Me Anything!

A topic by Zap Pop Pow created Aug 16, 2021 Views: 85 Replies: 2
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hello all, 

I’m Stuart, one of the founding directors of GDL. If you have any questions, jam related or otherwise I’m here.

looking forward to jamming with you all.

Stuart 👊

Hey Stuart! 
I was reading over the Jam info and am a little confused about when we will be getting the theme? Currently the info about the jam says:
"The jam will have one theme which will be announced at 6:00pm on 27/11/2020"
but this does not align with the entry/submission dates?

It would also appear that the GDL Discord link is broken as I can't seem to join? It says the link is invalid.
Thanks in advance! ~ Casey.


Good spot Casey! I've fixed both of those 😁