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Composer looking for team!

A topic by Unicorpse created Jun 18, 2020 Views: 163 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Hi everyone, so excited for this jam! I'm a composer looking for a team so if you'd like to collab please let me know! I'm @LuciHolland on Twitter :) 


Hi Unicorpse, glad to have you! Hopefully you find someone here, but there's also a looking for team channel in our Discord: which might be of more help!

Thanks a lot, I've popped a wee post up there! :)

Hi Unicorpse, I'm Lyniker, I have some skills as a programmer, if I could help in something or team up with you, let me know.

Hi Lyniker, so sorry I just saw this! Sorry I got to it too late. Hope you could join in and would love to jam another time!