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A jam submission

Didon: Off-beat GrubbinView game page

A Rhythm Game of a Farmer forced to be a Hunter in this Economy!
Submitted by Estavio, XAIN ART . Eli — 11 minutes, 1 second before the deadline
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Didon: Off-beat Grubbin's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Art and Audio#63.0003.000
Fun Factor#92.3332.333
Innovation and Adherence to the Challenge#122.3332.333
Adherence to Theme#142.0002.000

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • The game doesn't provide a cohesive and fun experience. The character design is appealing but there is something off with the running animation where it's not exactly smooth. The quality of the art work is also inconsistent throughout. Didon has a high quality illustration while the other assets are much less detailed and the sprite for the character at the ending is in pixel art while also not being imported properly making it look blurry. Try to keep a consistent style. Most of the actions lack any significance other than the attacks which kills the crows. The planting and watering actions don't really do anything meaningful. The only attack that matters is the spinning attack and there is no reason to use the piercing attack. I can also just ignore the crows and not deal with them. Try to reduce your scope and find your core gameplay first then expand from there. I can see glimpses of rhythm in the game but it's not very apparent. I can also just hold the attack button to keep attacking the crows without any regard for rhythm. It's also not clear if killing the crows provide me extra points. The ending was abrupt and without any way to anticipate it. The game also just closes immediately after the ending. Despite all my criticisms, I am still proud of what you have accomplished in this jam. It's not close to perfect but at the very least you had a taste of what it's like to develop a game with a team and that's mostly what matters. Props to you guys as well for using Godot! As a Godot enthusiast myself, this makes me very pleased. I hope you take what you've learned during this short amount of time and apply it in your own games moving forward.

Game Title
Didon: off-beat grubbin

Game Cover/Thumbnail

Game Description
What to expect?
The game will feature rhythm based gameplay and various chapters that tackles the story in regards to the struggle between the farmers, who wish to continue making a living, and the landowners who would want to use the land for their own benefit.

What is it about?
It is a 2D-sidescroller Rhythm game inspired by Muse Dash and Dino Offline Game that uses farming as a theme to tackle the issue between farmers and landowners. Players control Didon, a farmer, who will try to fight the various enemies that will forcefully take his land.

Game Screenshots

How to Play
How it works ?
W = Up
S = Down
1 = Planting
2 = Water
Right Click = Light Attack
Left Click = Hold or Hard Attack

Downloadable link to download the game

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(1 edit) (+1)

Though unfinished, here are my comments


  • I like the art style and music
  • Engaging Gameplay
  • Seems to have mysterious lore


  • I am not sure what are the seed and water is for
  • when pressing seed and water simultaneously only one effect happens.
  • Destroying the crows seems to not have any effect on the score
  • Attack 2 is something that I don't use since I can just use attack 1 for all the enemies
  • Unfinished control of audio (?)
  • Rolls are not working


  • A progress bar would be nice on the level to see where we are at
  • Attacks 1 and 2 could have different damage dealt and be used on specific times depending on the enemy being encountered.
  • Maybe an initial cut-scene explaining the lore could be nice

I see great potential for the game that was made under 2 days! To more games from you guys!


Thank you so much! We will definitely input your comments in our game hihi <3 We were unable to fully complete it's mechanics but we appreciate how you took note of everything we included (despite no purpose yet). 

Thank you so much again, we are excited to improve this game!