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A jam submission

Little Company's Game of LifeView game page

A little farm management game where all the plants are very picky!
Submitted by cheskya — 11 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Innovation and Adherence to the Challenge#53.3333.333
Adherence to Theme#73.3333.333
Fun Factor#92.3332.333
Art and Audio#102.6672.667

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Has potential to be a fun multiplayer tabletop-type game, but needs to integrate more gameplay that can foster competitiveness. Look into incorporating luck to have more variations in outcome ang strategies
  • This game is an interesting take on Conway's Game of Life. However it was confusing to play at first. In the instructions it says that carrots would grow if there is also a carrot growing 2 tiles below it but when I did exactly just that, the carrots didn't grow. The carrots only grew when I placed a carrot 1 block below it or adjacent to it instead. The instructions also mention about watering the carrots twice but that did nothing. You also don't need to water the carrots below the carrot you want to grow. Try to make sure the instructions are clear so that people can enjoy the game better. The graphics are serviceable for a puzzle game and nothing too note about. There are also no sounds and music. Try to add sounds to your games by using free assets online to add more atmosphere to the game. I think it would be beneficial to have hotkeys for the game as well since it does get monotonous going back and forth between the action selectors at the bottom and the board. I think there's potential with this game. It somewhat scratches that itch that you feel when playing puzzle games like Tetris and Puyo Puyo where you think up of strategies to get good combos and higher points. The game is not at that level where you can create chain reactions for your clever setups but I would love to see it develop into that kind of game.

Game Title
Little Company's Game of Life

Game Cover/Thumbnail

Game Description
A tiny game prototype for a farm where the plants are little creatures who are very choosey about what they want.

Game Screenshots

How to Play
You start on a grid of grass tiles, with some of them tilled.
Choose a tool you want to use from the bar at the bottom of the screen.
Use the tool on the tile you want. You can either till, plant, or water a tile.
If you grow a plant, take note that it'll only grow when the right conditions are met.
Be wary! You only have five turns with five moves each. Can you gain maximum profit?

Downloadable link to download the game

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I like the concept of the game, at my first test I was expecting a score at the end but it did not show.


  • Cute minigame to play with friends
  • The spinning mechanic was a game changer for me all throughout my gameplay
  • Engaging Gameplay
  • Cute Carrot


  • No score at the end :(
  • I was not able to look at my final land, since it just diplays "END"


  • Maybe add music
  • add hotkeys to quickly change tools
  • Display a visual change that the round has ended
  • At first I thought the condition was hidden but I only saw the information at the img attached, maybe add the instructions to the game as well.

Overall great game, I just really want the scoreboard huhuhu


Hello, thanks so much for playing our game and for leaving a comment!!

Admittedly we wanted to add a lot more features,  like those you recommended, but ran out of time :< Though if and when we work on the game again, we'll take note of these points! Thanks again! :D