Hey ya all,
I'm just one of those guys who always said I want to make a game. Years go by and nothing happened so I thought I should just join a game jam and hopefully it will force me to do something and move forward.
I did try a game jam I think about 5 years ago with friends. I did some art, I'm a 3D artist by profession so I'm actually looking forward to trying programming etc. In terms of my knowledge of in programming, ummm I tried to learn c++ with some tutorials and it didn't go much further than hello world.
I'll be using Godot for this, I actually started this maybe a couple of days ago but never intended on joining just pretending to. Already in the last 2 days I've probably worked more towards making a game than all the 5 years.
I have a idea on what I want to do, but being able to do it might be another story. I'll be going the solo route as well just trying to go through the whole process.
So far what I got
Thanks for stopping by!