553 entries were submitted between 2022-11-01 20:37:00 and 2022-12-01 21:37:00. 7,284 ratings were given to 554 entries (100.0%) between 2022-12-01 21:37:00 and 2023-01-05 21:37:00. The average number of ratings per game was 13.2 and the median was 9.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #365 | 1.925 | 3.333 |
Gameplay | #388 | 1.925 | 3.333 |
Theme interpretation | #390 | 2.117 | 3.667 |
Graphics | #412 | 1.925 | 3.333 |
Overall | #442 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Innovation | #470 | 1.347 | 2.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #341 | 2.117 | 3.667 |
Graphics | #360 | 2.309 | 4.000 |
Innovation | #411 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Overall | #442 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Theme interpretation | #449 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Gameplay | #452 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #425 | 1.500 | 2.250 |
Overall | #449 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Gameplay | #478 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Theme interpretation | #480 | 1.500 | 2.250 |
Innovation | #489 | 1.167 | 1.750 |
Graphics | #489 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #405 | 2.000 | 3.000 |
Overall | #449 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Gameplay | #459 | 1.500 | 2.250 |
Audio | #469 | 1.167 | 1.750 |
Graphics | #489 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Innovation | #497 | 1.000 | 1.500 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall | #449 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Gameplay | #478 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Innovation | #478 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Graphics | #501 | 1.167 | 1.750 |
Theme interpretation | #511 | 1.167 | 1.750 |
Audio | #512 | 0.833 | 1.250 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #206 | 3.000 | 4.500 |
Graphics | #402 | 2.000 | 3.000 |
Innovation | #422 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Overall | #449 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Gameplay | #459 | 1.500 | 2.250 |
Audio | #499 | 1.000 | 1.500 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #309 | 2.500 | 3.750 |
Innovation | #422 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Audio | #425 | 1.500 | 2.250 |
Gameplay | #435 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Overall | #449 | 1.667 | 2.500 |
Graphics | #501 | 1.167 | 1.750 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #391 | 1.768 | 1.875 |
Theme interpretation | #427 | 1.886 | 2.000 |
Innovation | #453 | 1.532 | 1.625 |
Overall | #454 | 1.650 | 1.750 |
Graphics | #467 | 1.532 | 1.625 |
Gameplay | #506 | 1.061 | 1.125 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #410 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Gameplay | #441 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Graphics | #454 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Overall | #454 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Innovation | #461 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Theme interpretation | #484 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #422 | 1.532 | 1.625 |
Innovation | #430 | 1.650 | 1.750 |
Gameplay | #441 | 1.650 | 1.750 |
Overall | #454 | 1.650 | 1.750 |
Graphics | #454 | 1.650 | 1.750 |
Theme interpretation | #505 | 1.296 | 1.375 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #379 | 1.886 | 4.000 |
Theme interpretation | #427 | 1.886 | 4.000 |
Innovation | #430 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Overall | #454 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Gameplay | #464 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Graphics | #471 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #339 | 2.121 | 4.500 |
Innovation | #384 | 1.886 | 4.000 |
Gameplay | #404 | 1.886 | 4.000 |
Overall | #454 | 1.650 | 3.500 |
Graphics | #471 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Theme interpretation | #484 | 1.414 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #402 | 2.016 | 2.286 |
Audio | #414 | 1.638 | 1.857 |
Gameplay | #458 | 1.512 | 1.714 |
Overall | #459 | 1.638 | 1.857 |
Innovation | #466 | 1.386 | 1.571 |
Graphics | #478 | 1.386 | 1.571 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #281 | 2.646 | 3.000 |
Graphics | #336 | 2.394 | 2.714 |
Innovation | #382 | 1.890 | 2.143 |
Gameplay | #398 | 1.890 | 2.143 |
Overall | #459 | 1.638 | 1.857 |
Audio | #497 | 1.008 | 1.143 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Graphics | #354 | 2.313 | 2.833 |
Theme interpretation | #399 | 2.041 | 2.500 |
Audio | #429 | 1.497 | 1.833 |
Overall | #461 | 1.633 | 2.000 |
Innovation | #467 | 1.361 | 1.667 |
Gameplay | #470 | 1.361 | 1.667 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #377 | 2.177 | 2.667 |
Audio | #444 | 1.361 | 1.667 |
Innovation | #458 | 1.497 | 1.833 |
Overall | #461 | 1.633 | 2.000 |
Graphics | #479 | 1.361 | 1.667 |
Gameplay | #504 | 1.089 | 1.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Innovation | #351 | 2.117 | 3.667 |
Theme interpretation | #414 | 1.925 | 3.333 |
Gameplay | #452 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Overall | #463 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Graphics | #480 | 1.347 | 2.333 |
Audio | #533 | 0.577 | 1.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #424 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Theme interpretation | #449 | 1.732 | 3.000 |
Overall | #463 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Audio | #471 | 1.155 | 2.000 |
Graphics | #480 | 1.347 | 2.333 |
Innovation | #526 | 0.770 | 1.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio | #341 | 2.117 | 3.667 |
Graphics | #386 | 2.117 | 3.667 |
Gameplay | #452 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Overall | #463 | 1.540 | 2.667 |
Innovation | #470 | 1.347 | 2.333 |
Theme interpretation | #490 | 1.347 | 2.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme interpretation | #359 | 2.239 | 2.375 |
Audio | #422 | 1.532 | 1.625 |
Graphics | #424 | 1.886 | 2.000 |
Gameplay | #456 | 1.532 | 1.625 |
Innovation | #461 | 1.414 | 1.500 |
Overall | #466 | 1.532 | 1.625 |