I listened to all the entries and I enjoyed every single one!
...but everyone loves feeling validated by a stranger online so here my personal top three, your egos are welcome!
#3 - In The Middle by Garbage Cat
Chiptune automatically evokes nostalgia for me but this one gave me the happy-sads on multiple levels.
#2 - Icon by Talen Bartlett
I love how this almost completely changes tone about a third of the way through. I especially love the baseline in the latter parts of the song which had my body involuntarily moving.
#1 - Single Step by festervaunt
This song feels like its in a completely different league, which is even more sickening when reading this is their first time writing for a Gameboy. This disgusting display of talent deserves nothing but adoration, that is all.
Honourable mentions:
8 Bits Never Did Us Wrong by NostalgicStory - For best chiptune jungle i've ever heard (though currently the only contender)
Dungeon Level by StrangeStrains - For best game-less game soundtrack.
Feel the Gr00v3 by mars_rulez - Because i did and it does!