The Name: Bear Skull
The Link:
What I want: Please play my Game (sounds like an ad but no) I want you to play my game, tell me your feeling about it, what is nice what didn t you like - are there Bugs left?
I aimed for a Bugfree Expirience with a high grade of Polish. I cropped alot of my scope to do so (no cutscenes, no platform puzzles, less differenz enemies, no random enemy spawners and only one intense Bossfight)
Tell me if you have any questions about the Game, anything about the programming, the soliutions I found - please feel free to ask me - I want to share my knowledge, I want to make a Game with nice feeling, I want to have Fun by making a Game that brings you fun.
so Please go ahead - lets talk and share our expiriance from the GameJam
Thanks in advance!