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An animator/artist looking for a team

A topic by free_mind created May 14, 2023 Views: 150 Replies: 3
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Hi folks. I'm a CG generalist with background in Blender. Have a little bit of experience in gamedev as an artist/animator (Spline). First timer in this jam. Would like to team up with some good folks to get started in gamedev. I would prefer to join UE5 team, but it's not a must. Feel free to tag/DM.


Hello, I am a Uni student learning UE5 (Blueprints) I have about 1 year experience with them and I'm working together with another Uni student (Concept Artist). If you'd like you could work with us as a 3D modeller/3D animator. We could also help with some 3D modelling as we have a little experience with that too.

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Sounds good. Let's do it. My discord is another_blender_man#4038

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I've sent you a request :)