Popis: Malý dělník s velkým úkolem. Ve své opuštěné tovární budově vyrábí baterie, které venkovní lampy neustále potřebují. Ačkoliv je opravář pilný a světla v mlze udržuje, nikdo nikdy nepřichází... aspoň tak t...
Cyberpunk platformer Run for your freedom through the dystopian city of future and create your own way by reorganizing the structure of the world! Controls: WASD - movement space - dash (fast movement to chosen direction) shift - slide tab...
Main objective : Explore the yet unexplored areas of the Abyss, the deepest corner of the ocean. Secondary objective : Use as few RC Mechs as possible. Dive deep into the game, where you create your own difficulty. Where you change between...
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Everwood got stuck! Your goal is to transport its cargo through the rock-ridden canal to safety. The more cargo you get there the better. W - raise sails S - lower sails A - turn left D - turn right SPACE - drop cargo to gain more time befo...
Explore and escape the shructure, a mysterous maze-like underground facility. Controls: W, A, S, D - movement; Mouse - Rotation; Mouse Left Button - Fire; Main features: Shrink in size as your health depletes. Fail and return stronger. " By...