Here are some links that might help you make your Frogger-like!
List of commercial Frogger-likes
- Please still don't copy them! Just take inspiration 馃槉
- Credit to Dark_Rozen for sharing this!
Long-play of Frogger (Video)
- See the top comment for chapters!
- Great, clear description of gameplay. Useful tricks in the right sidebar
- Specific mention of level 3 changes. Some light strategy talk too.
Forum Discussions
- Contains a list of bugs in the original
- Discussion about level changes, and play strategies
Row speedup bug (Video)
- Clarifies which rows get sudden speed-ups applied (obnoxiously-so in this case)
Have resources to share? Make a community post and I'll merge it with this if it's useful. You can also share links on the Discord! ~ L媒z