I’m a fan of the visual style, it reminds me of scrapbooks - good going there! The music fits the style just perfectly. My favorite things are the lawnmowers, and Big Mama in the end - that mouth of hers and the realistically heart-shaped fruit feel funny and quirky to me, such a great teaser for the adventures to come. Thanks for jamming!
Play game
Save the Forest's itch.io pageLink to gameplay video
Tratravalor - sound design
Zappy - game design
Pierre_wk - programmer, level designer
Tools and Resources
Game engine : Unreal engine 5
Font : Roboto and Typewriter
Thanks to Szadi.art for the asset :)
Estimated work hours
It's a narrative plateformer game about forest.
A little boy is lost in a strange forest and he will try to save the animals and the forest.
The game is about a forest of course but the "heart theme" was a mix between the heart of the forest (the big tree) and the heart fruit at the end (i don't wan't to spoil the game).
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