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Let's find each other on Twitter!

A topic by DougWebGames created Aug 01, 2019 Views: 320 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hi people, really loving this jam so far, many good games around here, I feel honored to fill the ranks along with so many talented devs. I'm following every project that I can here on, but to be honest I don't spend as much time on here as on other social networks, so I would like to connect with you through Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. I also invite everyone to add as many other devs as possible on those networks, so we can know each other better, make friends, follow projects and enjoy conversations with our peers.

I won't post my links because it's not the intention of this thread to gather followers, but to find good people for me to follow on the daily, so post your links below :)


Thank you. This is a great idea.



Thanks Rona! Really liked those GROWL screenshots, looking awesome :D

Thank you :)


Great idea!


great Jules, I see you're new on Twitter, or perhaps just doesn't use too much, but anyway it's nice to see you there, I'll keep watching to see more from Hero's Path :)


Thanks! And you're right, I'm new on twitter, i went on it a few days ago


@BradKraeling is my Twitter!!! :D woohoo!

