I was wondering what would happen if a game does not have music like will the game be judged on the remaining categories or will the points that would have gone to music category be cut?
If an entry has no music and sound effects then that part of it's score will receive no points and will still be factored in the total score (Homebrew/tools entries are not judged on Audio, per below).
Judges will evaluate submissions using the following criteria:
Criteria applicability:
Part of Rule #17:
* Asset packs for art and music are ok if the licensing permits. Be sure to make note of what is being reused and under what terms. Use of pre-made assets (vs original ones) may be factored in when judges assess points for relevant criteria (e.g. graphics, audio).
----Since there will be a wide range of variation among the entries we don't have rules which cover every possible scenario. Instead we will rely to some extent on the discretion of the judges. If they are impressed by particular aspects of an entry they will score accordingly.