Brutus Melville is a wealth man, but plagued by a terrible curse: BALDNESS!! After losing hope he discovered a rare jellyfish that could make his hair grow! Venture to the dephts of the sea in this shoot em up to find the cure for baldness!...
Renovating the village was a disaster, and the king can no longer get to his castle. Luckily, his tantrum caught the attention of a helpful alien wandering by Earth. As the UFO, you are tasked with moving buildings out of the way to make an...
Controls Arrows -> WASD A -> J (accept/place piece) B -> K (hold to rotate maain piece) START -> V (menu) SELECT -> B (hide/show help) Credits Made with Godot Graphics/Shaders by Akumoid Coding/Design by Luis Lasbelin This work was made by...
A game to rage against gravity and its abscence. Puzzle platformer inspired by Celeste and Geometry Dash for GBJam 2023. ============ Inputs ============= SPACE - Jump That's it! ============= TEAM ============== Francesco Zicchieri - Game...
Play as Byrat , a spacial byte pirate in this space odyssey where you fight against AI-nimals infected by a alien virus. The plot? There were no ROM enough for it. CONTROLS Description Game Boy Keyboard Move D-Pad Arrow Keys Jump A Z Shoot...
In a warship in space, a communications blackout is put in place to prevent the enemy from intercepting and potentially locating the warship. The cadet uses an unmanned drone to send love letters to their love on their home planet. Game jam...
Planet Paddle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Play Paddle Ball Within A Small Space, Whilst In Space!! Made For The GBJam 11 Which Ran Between [ September...
This game was made for GBJam 11 . I can't do all the things I would like to do within this time, IT IS UNFINISHED (I know it has bugs, but I'll take care of them after the game jam vote, I promise), but I did my best, I hope you have fun! I...
Climb up a tower to find all the coins and make it home Controls: WASD or Arrow keys to move X to Jump This fit the theme of the Jam as in the you are running out of space
Zero-G puzzles! Ration your momentum and plan your steps ahead of time to get to your rocket without running out of stuff to propel you. Made for the GBJam11 Game Jam, which was space - themed. Was also my first jam I joined. Full screening...
Game might take couple of seconds to load in. Please excuse the lack of a loading Screen! Goals Use your Space Clawer to get as much Tetris blocks as possible before you run out of fuel or get destroyedby the asteroids! Controls Ship Steeri...
Our Submission for GBJam 11 A witch in the clouds controls monsters to free the sky islands from mysterious dark portals. Controls Z A Select, Interact X B Open Inventory, Cancel Enter Start Start game Ctrl Select Restart Arrows D-Pad Move...