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Anyone wanna team?

A topic by PokeDude645 created Sep 16, 2021 Views: 210 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Ok so I'm not the best at programming, besides the only game engine I have is Godot, which I DO NOT understand and Gdevelop, which is really basic. So I'm looking for a Programmer, I can do Pixel Art, 8bit Music, and making stories. I do not care what engine you use as long as it works. DM me! PokeDude645#2580

Jam HostSubmitted (1 edit)

If you can't find a partner, have you considered trying GBStudio? I'll link your post in #team-finding in the Discord channel to bump it.

Hi I was thinking of joining late. Sent you a friend request. My experience is with Unity/C#, but I am not much of an ideas guy.