51 entries were submitted between 2020-11-06 17:00:00 and 2020-11-08 17:00:00. 1,030 ratings were given to 50 entries (98.0%) between 2020-11-08 17:00:00 and 2020-11-14 09:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 20.2 and the median was 18.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #8 | 3.347 | 3.667 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #22 | 3.043 | 3.333 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #23 | 3.225 | 3.533 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #25 | 2.860 | 3.133 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #31 | 2.860 | 3.133 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #34 | 2.130 | 2.333 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #38 | 2.495 | 2.733 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #3 | 4.184 | 4.438 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #12 | 3.123 | 3.313 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #23 | 3.005 | 3.188 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #27 | 3.005 | 3.188 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #31 | 2.534 | 2.688 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #33 | 3.005 | 3.188 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #41 | 1.827 | 1.938 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #7 | 3.373 | 3.471 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #11 | 3.659 | 3.765 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #16 | 2.973 | 3.059 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #17 | 3.144 | 3.235 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #23 | 3.373 | 3.471 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #24 | 2.973 | 3.059 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #37 | 2.458 | 2.529 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #9 | 3.667 | 3.667 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #19 | 3.042 | 3.042 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #22 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #25 | 2.458 | 2.458 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #25 | 2.958 | 2.958 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #39 | 2.375 | 2.375 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #42 | 1.625 | 1.625 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #26 | 2.876 | 3.385 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #32 | 3.007 | 3.538 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #33 | 2.157 | 2.538 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #33 | 2.680 | 3.154 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #35 | 2.419 | 2.846 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #36 | 2.157 | 2.538 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #42 | 2.223 | 2.615 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #15 | 2.844 | 2.844 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #17 | 3.438 | 3.438 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #18 | 2.906 | 2.906 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #23 | 2.906 | 2.906 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #25 | 3.344 | 3.344 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #27 | 2.875 | 2.875 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #36 | 2.469 | 2.469 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #14 | 3.222 | 3.222 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #16 | 2.815 | 2.815 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #20 | 3.259 | 3.259 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #20 | 3.481 | 3.481 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #21 | 3.444 | 3.444 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #26 | 2.370 | 2.370 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #28 | 2.778 | 2.778 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #14 | 2.942 | 3.462 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #20 | 2.811 | 3.308 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #20 | 3.007 | 3.538 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #29 | 2.746 | 3.231 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #31 | 3.072 | 3.615 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #33 | 2.680 | 3.154 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #38 | 2.419 | 2.846 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #18 | 3.571 | 3.571 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #27 | 3.143 | 3.143 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #29 | 2.238 | 2.238 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #30 | 2.667 | 2.667 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #32 | 2.238 | 2.238 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #36 | 2.286 | 2.286 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #37 | 2.571 | 2.571 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #20 | 3.476 | 3.476 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #29 | 3.048 | 3.048 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #31 | 2.619 | 2.619 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #32 | 2.714 | 2.714 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #32 | 2.238 | 2.238 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #33 | 2.476 | 2.476 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #39 | 2.000 | 2.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #18 | 3.359 | 3.563 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #22 | 3.418 | 3.625 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #30 | 2.357 | 2.500 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #31 | 2.534 | 2.688 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #32 | 2.593 | 2.750 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #35 | 2.121 | 2.250 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #44 | 2.121 | 2.250 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #11 | 3.161 | 3.161 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #18 | 3.516 | 3.516 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #24 | 2.484 | 2.484 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #29 | 2.742 | 2.742 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #33 | 2.484 | 2.484 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #43 | 2.258 | 2.258 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #45 | 2.065 | 2.065 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #17 | 3.611 | 3.611 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #28 | 2.389 | 2.389 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #31 | 2.167 | 2.167 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #34 | 2.444 | 2.444 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #34 | 2.444 | 2.444 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #41 | 2.167 | 2.167 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #41 | 2.333 | 2.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #30 | 2.223 | 2.615 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #35 | 2.353 | 2.769 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #40 | 2.419 | 2.846 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #41 | 2.027 | 2.385 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #42 | 2.223 | 2.615 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #44 | 1.700 | 2.000 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #48 | 1.438 | 1.692 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #26 | 2.457 | 2.786 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #32 | 2.709 | 3.071 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #36 | 2.331 | 2.643 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #37 | 2.016 | 2.286 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #38 | 2.205 | 2.500 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #38 | 2.457 | 2.786 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #45 | 2.016 | 2.286 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #3 | 4.184 | 4.438 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #19 | 2.828 | 3.000 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #28 | 2.770 | 2.938 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #34 | 2.652 | 2.813 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #35 | 2.180 | 2.313 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #36 | 2.711 | 2.875 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #37 | 2.298 | 2.438 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #35 | 2.630 | 2.706 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #35 | 2.915 | 3.000 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #38 | 2.172 | 2.235 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #43 | 1.772 | 1.824 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #44 | 1.543 | 1.588 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #45 | 1.658 | 1.706 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #45 | 1.886 | 1.941 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #35 | 2.630 | 2.706 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #37 | 2.115 | 2.176 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #37 | 2.515 | 2.588 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #39 | 2.115 | 2.176 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #40 | 2.229 | 2.294 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #43 | 1.944 | 2.000 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #45 | 1.486 | 1.529 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #34 | 2.921 | 3.200 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #39 | 2.434 | 2.667 |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #40 | 2.069 | 2.267 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #41 | 1.643 | 1.800 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #42 | 2.008 | 2.200 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #43 | 1.704 | 1.867 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #47 | 1.461 | 1.600 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?) | #41 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?) | #49 | 0.917 | 1.375 |
Visuals (nice looking game?) | #49 | 1.000 | 1.500 |
Fun (game is fun to play?) | #49 | 1.000 | 1.500 |
Theme (is the game related to the theme?) | #49 | 1.333 | 2.000 |
Innovation (gamplay is innovative?) | #49 | 1.000 | 1.500 |
Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY) | #49 | 1.083 | 1.625 |