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First Time

A topic by Ali KTS created Jul 05, 2019 Views: 230 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 4

this is my first time participating in a game jam. i am very excited and also kind of nervous cause i totally dont know how this whole thing is to be carried out and also the fastest time i have taken to make a game is 5 days. so that is also a little exciting and scary to think i might not be able to complete it but lets see what happens


It doesn’t matter if you don’t make a good game, you will still learn a lot and progress as a game developer :)


yes you are right. still i hope i do well. and i end up making a good game and so does everyone else.

This will be my first game jam as ell


cool, good luck than, and hey maybe we can collab in future


Same Also my first Game Jam.


cool, good luck and have fun