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Can't publish

A topic by bificommander created Jul 08, 2019 Views: 212 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Our game is ready at but I can't seem to publish it

Okay, it was set to draft, but now the timer has expired. Can I still get in somehow?

Thank you, you're a lifesaver.

Ah, it seems that during my frantic searching for the publish button, one of my team members managed to get it published, now we've got it twice ( and ) Terribly sorry, but the last second stress seems to have caused a bit of a mess.

What would you like me to do to fix it? We'd prefer to use the link . I can just put a link on the duplicate page that directs to the main page.

Yes, it seems to be correct now. Thanks for all the help.