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Designer Looking for team

A topic by Dozam created Dec 15, 2020 Views: 213 Replies: 5
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I'm a designer by training (BA), but I have some skills in art and QA, with limited skills in coding. Looking for a team to work with in the Game Jam.

Hi, I'm a programmer and also currently looking for a team. If you want we can form a team together :)

I'd be cool with that.

Hello there, I'm a narrative writer, and project & community management. Not fully a skilled artist but I can help with the art concept if you need help or collaborative work on characters concepts.  I'm looking for a team. I'll look forward to it if you allow me to join you :)

Great, I'd be happy to have you on board ^^ My Discord Username is Miletti#1143 so if it's alright with you we could talk further over Discord

Mine is Dozam#8092