Hi, I'm a composer and programmer, and I'll be working with another programmer on this jam, but we could use some help in the art department. Would anyone be interested?
What sort of art do you need?
2D, but no plans beyond that so far.
Do you have a website or some place I could see your work?
hi, i am an artist from romania and i am very passionate about games, and i would love to get my art in a game. Contact me on instagram: victorflorint
Hello from Romania
You want 3D or 2D.
I can do good 2D designs. Absolutely no clue on programming but could help designing character models.
hee i can do some 2d work ffor you
I am 3D
I am 3D designer and I am looking for a team or programer atleast. Contact me on FB: Nikoleta Zhecheva