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Writer looking for a team!

A topic by tetsu created May 03, 2023 Views: 156 Replies: 3
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Hey, my name's Brandon and I recently graduated from the Vancouver Film School and I'm looking for a beginner friendly team, as I've only worked on a couple jams so far. I'll link my portfolio below should you want to see some of my work. I've done game documents, game scripts, a completed Twine, I have a game currently in development as well as an award winning short script.


If need be, I'd also love to contribute to overall management and game design, but am more than willing to just write words if the ideas are strong enough.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to working with you!

Hello Brandon, your profile looks amazing! My team currently has a programmer and a musician, we will be working on a 2d pixel art video game. I don't have experience working with writers before but I think it's a great chance to learn if you are willing to join our team! if you are interested leave your discord id I will invite you to the server.


Hey, thanks so much and I'd love to! My discord ID is: tetsu#5865

I'll save all my questions for the discord ahah - I look forward to meeting and working with you guys.
