CW: Slavery and abuse. Nothing too detailed.
///Nov 6
After a lot of pondering on how to express an aspect of ancient Greece not only in aesthetics, but mechanics as well, I decided to focus on the experience of slavery during the Peloponnesian Wars. Possibly exploring the ideas of the emotional and societal/systemic, not just the physical, obstacles of living with and eventually overcoming of one's free will being broken through servitude.
I decided to keep a devlog including my pre-production phase because I think reading the early thoughts are the most interesting and valuable as a student of design.
So, I spent the last few days milling around the links included by gia-grimoire and Wikipedia, trying to find some good stuff for games. I'm not too big on designing a game that just has the aesthetic of ancient Greece, I want to explore it mechanically. This is always tough because most traditional game mechanics serve power fantasies and game-genre tropes, so I had to really think about how an idea can be explored through play. So, thought I found much of the history and mythology I read about interesting, I was a having a hard time thinking of a way to make meaningful mechanics from them while staying in scope of time and my limits as a designer.
At first, I enjoyed the story of the Peloponnesian War, reading it like fiction. But, in a block quote in the article, there read this: "Never had so many human beings been exiled, or so much human blood been shed. - Thucydides." And I was reminded of how brutal war was. The author Mark Cartwright includes this note at the end of the intro paragraph: "Civilians became much more involved in warfare and entire citizen bodies could be wiped out as happened at Mykalessos in Boeotia." Following with: "The number of casualties in the wars was, therefore, far greater than in any previous conflict in Greece’s long history." I mean, holy heck, like, that's tragic. The rest of the article is relatively cold and removed from the atrocities, but lets them be known. This hit me hard, as I was raised with a very romantic view of Greek life. I remember learning about the gross and upsetting aspects of Roman life, but I guess I never really thought about any of it applying to the Greeks. And I'm not saying everything about them is bad now, just that, like every war ever, it was stupid and not worth wiping out whole peoples.
So, I went on a tangent and looked into the tragedies of war during ancient Greece, and landed on the concepts of conquered civilians as slaves. This is crazy. People who probably never wanted a war getting enslaved because the rich in their community decided Sparta was cooler than Athens. Then I moved to Greek slavery in general. (I had recently read a book on the history of mathematics that attributed the abstractness of many old academic fields such as mathematics and logic to the "slave-society" from which it was born. Whether ancient Greece really was a wholly slave-society or not isn't my point, but noting that the thinkers of the time didn't necessarily believe in doing anything physical; they felt the cerebral was their realm.)
I found that Greek slavery is not like the slavery I have come to understand in American history. It isn't necessarily race-based or chattel slavery, though at times, and depending on who was talking and who was the slave population at the time, it could be. The slavery was more like becoming a seriously second-class citizen or indentured servant (Colonial America style). I mean, a slave was treated with minor respects, but they were still beaten, treated as lesser than full human, and forced to work the land they were tied to. Slavery was also different depending on where you were from and what laws were in place under what king. Some generals enslaved entire cities they laid siege to, others hated the practice, and went against the orders of their kings in doing so, others enslaved, and then emancipated people as a sign of prestige and honor. People who were free citizens for years were could be slaves in the wake of a single battle. The rich, obviously could have their wealthy friends or family buy them out through ransom. Heck, slaves were so common, that it was considered a sign of extreme poverty to not own even ONE slave. It was a "buyer's market"...
Reading about the specifics of Athenian slaves was interesting, because they were treated relatively well for slaves. I mean, still, they were slaves. But they were "allowed" to back talk their owners, or were protected by law against being struck in public (possibly just because everyone looked the same, so striking a slave looked like striking a citizen, and made people upset).
I related to their plight in a weird way. Obviously, I will never know what it was like to have your whole people erased, or be permanently taken from those you love, but until my late teens when I got the strength to gain some independence, my mother treated me like an Athenian slave in some ways. I was often forced to work long hours in the house, cleaning for upwards of 3 hours a day on average. I was bullied and insulted constantly. After an incident with my sister getting a massive bruise, the abuse remained almost wholly emotional, so I don't know a lot about physical control. However, I was often locked in rooms for weeks at a time, let out only to attend school, eat, clean, and participate in martial arts classes. For a long time, I felt I had no free will of my own. This is feeling was really expressed in the feeling of helplessness at the ending of Bioshock 1.
I realized I could use this to play with the feelings of slavery in Athenian society after being taken in the Peloponnesian Wars. Overcoming the oppressive training of servitude is brutal, something I don't think a lot of people understand. It is difficult just to feel emotionally strong enough to do anything on your own. It takes a truly iron will to walk out of slavery.
I also just read there was a sort of mass slave-escape during the wars. I'll have to look more into that, might be a good setting for the game.
Wow that was a lot of thoughts and rambling on the pre-stuff. Sorry if that was weird or comes off as pretentious.
Let me know what you think.