This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-10-30 03:00:00 to 2020-11-10 02:59:59. View results

Halloween 2020 Doom Speedmapping Challenge - 20 hours, 20 monsters

Let's celebrate the day of the dead with a speedmapping challenge! And, demons willing, we might have a megawad just in time for Friday the 13th!


  • Maximum mapping time must be around 20 hours. The length of the Jam is one week to avoid unhealthy crunch and remain accessible for those with busy schedules. Feel free to record or stream your mapping sessions, but this will be enforced solely on an honor system.
  • Total monster count must be exactly 20, including secrets, on all difficulty levels, although you can have different monsters or place them differently for each. You can also change item quantity and placement.
  • Vanilla Doom II compatible. Check the limitations here
  • Your game page should include a single .WAD file to be rated. You can include other versions for other ports, and any additional material, but there should be a clearly labeled file that is to be part of the Jam.
  • If your map contains any sexual or hateful material it will be disqualified, at my sole discretion. As a general rule, if there's anything that could reasonably make you wonder "is this disqualifying content?" then it probably is.


  • While you're free to make any style of map, the time and monster restrictions are meant to encourage shorter maps with tight gameplay. Avoid large and empty areas unless you're confident on the kind of flow you're trying to build.
  • Likewise, please do not submit troll or meme-y maps unless they are also fun and playable despite the jokes.
  • Be reasonable with custom lumps. Your wad should contain all necessary content outside the default DOOM2.WAD.  Be aware that, as all maps will be part of the same megawad, changes to weapons, monsters and HUD will be lost on the final file. 


  • Respect to restrictions - Do you feel this map was made in less than 24hs? Is the monster count 20 all around? This is a binary criteria: if the monster count was respected and it's not unreasonable to assume the map was made within the time limit, it should receive all stars.
  • Gameplay - Are encounters fun and challenging? Does the map flow smoothly between them? Are puzzles (if present) interesting?
  • Aesthetics - Are the choices of visuals, sound and theme consistent and coherent? If there is custom content, are they fitting? It's important not to mistake aesthetics with "detailing".  Complexity by itself should not necessarily mean a higher rating, neither should the inclusion or lack of custom graphics and sounds.
  • Everyone who submitted a map will be able to vote on all entries.


  • All valid submissions will be joined together on a megawad to be released after voting ends. They will be ordered according to random draw, and their final rating will be included in their map name graphic. If somehow we get over 33 submissions, the 33 best rated will be used. Submissions disqualified for unacceptable content will not be considered. Submissions that fail the monster count requirement will be asked to fix this prior to inclusion, within reason, and will not be included if they're not fixed. The same applies for submissions that present any other issue that could be easily fixed.


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A map created for the #20Hours20Monsters Speedmapping Challenge
20 Hours 20 Monsters Jam
A short doom map with only 20 monsters. A little tricky.
A speedmapping community level made for the 20 hours 20 monsters challenge. Mapping time was around 14 hours.
You are in a prison.
A Doom 2 speedmap for the #20hours20monsters challenge
My first complete Doom map. Don't know how to change the map name that displays in-game.
A Doom 2 speedmap with only 20 monsters.