Hi again!
Time to announce the winners of the prize bundle! To determine who won, I clicked on the "View Random Submission" button on the left hand side of the control panel; after getting the first winner, it occurred to me that I could make a video of the drawing
, so I did! Yay, technology! The winners of the pdf game bundle are:
- The Headless Wraith of Haunted Hollow
- The Legend of Pumpkin Springs
- To Catch A Star or An Adventure Guide to Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Circa 1810
I need a day or two to get the pdfs I have uploaded and then will reach out to the winners and publishers so the codes for whatever I don't have can be distributed. I'll also reach out and get everyone's mailing address so I can send you all of the stickers.
Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who submitted something!
See you around the table!