Congrats to Mightylaster99 and fredstoyva!
I hope we'll see a more advanced version of The Blind Swordman :)And kudos for L.A.S.E.R which is already pretty well polished.
Thank you! It was really hard thinking of an idea for this, since it's so limited (evidenced by Fredstoyva having a similar game). Want a more advanced version of mine? Play his. xD I find that really funny.
Actually, I've played a very creative sound only warcraft-like game!!
It would "speak" very fast and tell you things like
"square 1-2, 1 1 barrack, 1 soldier"
you move to the right and then
"square 1-3, 3 soldiers"
and so on...
and you build troops and send them to war. It kind of worked :D