Juego Desarrollado por: Juan Pablo "Rushery" Pivetta Reglas del juego: .Solo puedes moverte para arriba y para abajo .Tienes que intentar de defender tu área intentando de que la pelota no sobre pase tu paleta. .En caso de que la pelota so...
This Pong made by Lucio Molina Jalabert AKA Carancho Sprite. Its a Local multiplayer 1v1 only game. It will probably have a update later on, but in the meantime enjoy.
Hello and welcome! I'm glad you're here :D This game is a project I did for a subject corresponding to the university course of Videogame Development at Image Campus. It's made in C++ using the library "Raylib" ! There are two modes to play...
Presentation: Hi! Thank you for getting in here. This is a classic PONG game I've made in c++ using the library " Raylib". Usually I get a little excited and change the idea of the game to make something new, but this time I just made the c...
Hi!! I present to you Viko Pong!! It is a game based on Pong but with PowerUps improvements that give it more excitement! Players Controls: Player 1: UP = KEY_W DOWN = KEY_S With PowerUp Time Laps: LEFT = KEY_A RIGHT = KEY_D Player 2: UP =...
Hi! I'm Ignacio and this is a college project. In order to pass, we had to make a PONG game whit raylib and this is my attempt. I hope you like and enjoy it!
A recreation of the famous game Pong. Made for my programming class at Image Campus. Controls: Player 1: Key W: move up Key S: move down Player 2: Key UP: move up Key DOWN: move down
Hi there! Thank you for reaching this page! I've made this Pong as a project for a signature in the Game development career at Image Campus. It's made in C++, using the "Raylib" library, and it was a fun way to explore this new framework. L...