As a creator who struggles with entropic work habits, this had a surprising emotional impact on me.
If you're reading this and haven't played it yet, play it first.
I don't know if there is a particular feeling you attempted to invoke, but I'll share with you the experience this gave me.
When I'm frustrated, I've tried to make a habit of taking a step back from my work, and looking at it from the perspective of an outsider who isn't responsible for the task.
I'm assuming the controls were meant to be obtuse, as that sold the delivery of the experience to me.
I simply couldn't get a hold of piloting the ship. Though I was reading the text as it appeared, I wasn't in the mood to open up that part of my brain and think about how I felt, I was frustrated that the ship was being stupid and I wanted to look at the other side of the structure and why does it keep turning that way and agh!
The camera dollied back from the monitor, and suddenly my frustration was aimed at the creative work I struggle with. I wasn't forced to stop controlling the ship, I had that option, but I started thinking about my priorities, and where they should be. It was a pretty remarkable feeling!