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Searching a Team, im developer

A topic by VaelicGames created Dec 17, 2021 Views: 313 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 6

Well, im a Unity developer but if someone want to use another engine we can check it. if someone is interested add me in discord: Toguer#3538 (or reply here)

is the offer still valid?

Deleted 2 years ago

Yep! i dont have a team yet so maybe we can team up!


I am good at map designing and giveing good feedback

I would also like to join

Deleted 2 years ago

Okay! What is your role?

Btw if you want to add me to Discord: Toguer#3538

We can start talking there

Hi, can i join, i'm new in this, i'm wondering to learn

Sure, add me: Toguer#3538 and we can talk there more.


Submitted (1 edit)

Hey! I'm a Java game developer!