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TagsGame Engines published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Embark on a perilous quest through the Gargoyle's Rune Sanctum, a five-room dungeon where enchanted gargoyles guard ancient secrets and mystical runes hold the key to unlocking the depths of an otherworldly labyrinth. Navigate through anima...
A downloadable game.
For the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Jam submission. Face it, dungeons you’ve been in probably had terrible air exchange, and every putrid scent you came across still lingers deep in your mind. This time, you will have a chance to make a diff...
Franco updated a dungeon 1 year ago
A downloadable dungeon.
Updated page content.
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wrongtube published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Those vexatious Cercopes! They come into Hades and rob the nightqueens blind! This time, they've taken Hypnea's phylactery and she is NOT impressed. This manuscript was created for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam, Return to Perinthos...
Helicity published a project 1 year ago
A downloadable project.
My tribute to Jenell Jacquays, I redrew floor 1 of Caverns of Thracia in my notebook. Not much was changed beyond aligning it on the grid to aid player mapping. Well, and drawing the whole thing of course.
nsideddice published a project 1 year ago
A downloadable project.
This is a submission for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam. It contains a collection of rooms that can be inserted into any empty rooms in a dungeon. It uses monster stats in the format of Shadowdark RPG by the Arcane Library.
CrlBox published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
"The Lion's Den And The Goddess Of The Moon" is a 2-page, system-neutral location, made for the Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam . You stare into a big dark cave. Brazier flames illuminating the platform that has risen out of the endless d...
David Blandy published a Dungeon 1 year ago
A downloadable Dungeon.
A 13 room dungeon for Cairn or ECO MOFOS!!, made in honour of Jennell Jaquays. The Lowdown A once grand bunker away from the ills of the world has fallen into ruin, the quasi-immortal CEO, holed up against his Droids that seek his power-sou...
Caelinaraven published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Written for the Jennel Jaquays Memorial Jam, I have made the diamond cage and temple of the Medusa-Reversed. After her husband died as adventurer, Uliè [You-lee-eh] was not interested in any of the many suitors. She traded her sight for on...
3vandro published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
In memory of Jennell Jaquays. A tiny adventure for "World of Dungeons" (by John Harper). Created with "Ironsworn Delve" (by Shawn Tomkin). Astraea the wizard constructed an underground complex from which she disappeared many years ago. The...
JunkyardTornado published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Long ago space travelers visited and the elves that met them revered the visitors as gods. A vault was built to keep safe a mysterious treasure. In order to protect this vault, the travelers used their technology to bestow a gift of unlife...
ilovethegrid published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
This long-abandoned academy was built to study a golden flame discovered deep in the earth. Recently, two rival expeditions have re-discovered it, and now they are locked in a guerilla war over its resources. This is submitted as a manuscri...
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