Le guèmeplet est pas foufou mais le principe est marrant.
A high-scoring game inspired by real world protests. Be a tennis player protecting protesters from tear gas canisters by lobbing them away from the crowd. Clear away as many canisters as possible before it gets too hard for you to breathe.
The sound in the came uses crowd noises (the protest) as the background, with increased coughing as your lungs take damage from the tear gas. The art is just MS paint doodles over a photographic background, so that element could stand to be improved. For all its simplicity, the game plays as intended and doesn't suffer from any bugs.
There are two slightly different variants of the game included with download. In Lacrymo Tennis 2016, the player character has a racket-holding arm that ceaseless rotates like a windmill. You can smack canisters out of the sky if your arm is up, or bat them away from you on the ground if your arm is down. Lacrymo Tennis 2018 has a racket-holding arm that you need to click to move, and instead of rotating it just sweeps along the ground. As a result you can't hit the canisters out of the sky anymore, you have to wait until they fall low enough to smack away.
Personally I'd like to see a version (Lacrymo Tennis 2020, maybe?) where you click to swing the racket like the 2018 version, but left clicking causes you to swing the racket low (as it is now) and right clicking causes you to swing the racket high. It would offer the best of both the 2016 and 2018 versions of the game - the control over timing that the 2018 version has, but the ability to hit canisters out of the sky that the 2016 version has.
Info add about the waste of police cash on rubbish ant protest equpiment.