Hello there) Nice game for two days jam. With some time spent balancing and expanding earn/spend mechanic, it can be an excellent game. Will check it out after Jam ends and the new build arrives. Good luck <3
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Base Station OverLoad's itch.io pageHow does your game incorporate the theme?
You Build Relays So That Houses Can Connect To Each Other Which Will Slowly Build A WAN For The Town
Hey! Nice work, great concept, a little rough(as all jam games are, lol), but really fun, would love some type of effect or hud to let me know which buildings I'm getting in range with my new relay and have a better idea of how much I'm making or losing at any time. In any case with some more buildings and a little polishing this could turn into a great game!
Hey there! Nice game, good work.
In addition to what others have already mentioned, there are two things I would personally like to see.
First: When placing a building, I would prefer the range to be marked on the grid rather than in the top of the building, so I won't be misled by the perspective. It would also be helpful to add feedback by highlighting the constructions that will be affected by the new building.
Second: I would like to see the costs/benefits of the buildings displayed somewhere, or at least the total amount of each resource being generated or lost per second.
Nevertheless, I think it’s a good game concept that, with a few small adjustments and extras for variety, can become something scalable and interesting.
Best regards and good luck!
Pretty chill game :) I had some issues when I couldn't place towers in some places, but concidering amount of given time Good Work! :)
Also in future it'd be great to add some urgent to build, because right now you kinda can get infinite amount of money and power from just first 2 houses :)
Keep it up!
Pretty nice, I actually like the idea, however I had quite a difficult time to place the relay antennas. Game is fun and simple, a solid base if you want to do more with it! :)
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