Aodduma is an arcade hard twin-stick shooter bullet hell with it's core mechanic arround the idea of 'bullet time'. Play with keyboard and mouse or controller. Defeat 3 unique bosses between hard waves of dozens of enemies. Credits: Pau Ló...
Bienvenidos a la Balada del Roh. La Balada del Roh es un RPG/ Simulador inmersivo de un universo completamente distópico. Diseñado, programado y realizado para la Gameja 2021. El único juego surreal/irónico donde el código es más surr...
Juego hecho por SazeracTeam: Aleix Valls, Hug Riba, Xavier Teixe y Aleix Muñoz Controles: R - Reiniciar la sala WASD o flechas - Movimiento F - Coger objetos LeftShift - Alternar controles Espacio - Saltar
About the game Robalo has a surreal experience at university when he forgets to take his pills. This game was developed in one week for the jam #LaGameja2021, and the theme of the jam was surreal/abstract. The game can be played in the brow...