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A downloadable game for Windows.

file size feels a bit bloated for the duration

Caffeine Freak published a game 351 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This is the product of ~6 weeks of intense work, including learning TrenchBroom and Quake editing. Overall, I've had a blast and look forward to the next jam! Intense classic Quake combat. Somewhat non-linear design, heavy combat, some puzz...
CJAcolyte published a level design 352 days ago
A downloadable level design.
In this map, the player takes on the role of M. Fenix. Delta Team is on a reconnaisance mission to discover more about a suspected Locust stronghold. It is all "business as usual" until it isnt...they experience a series of unexpected event...
A downloadable mod.
This is a portal 2 level including a cube and maybe more.... Link to get the level :
DeerTrash published a game 353 days ago
A downloadable game.
Inspired by classic action adventure games such as Tomb Raider and Uncharted, this level blockout was created as part of a Level Design Jam . In this level the player traverses a dense jungle in search of a myth...
BergamotDigital published a game 353 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Work in progress FPS where enemy bodies give you ammo + procedural levels.
Lomoooo published a mod 354 days ago
A downloadable mod.
The level was created for the Level Design Jam 07 and also as a piece of my portfolio. I wanted to implement the idea of looping gameplay The level space was intentionally limited so that I could practice creating interesting combat situati...
alek_kegeles updated a game 355 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated title and page content.
lzj124 published a mod 356 days ago
A downloadable mod.
It's a Quake 1 map (So don't put it into the Half-Life folder :) ) How to run: 1. Put ldj7_base.lit and ldj7_base.bsp into [Quake directory] - id1-maps folder 2. Run QuakeSpasm.exe or other quake 1 engine 3. Press [~] or [Esc] - Option-Go T...
1600frogs published a mod 357 days ago
A downloadable mod.
Hello community members, We have had reports that there have been some recent car break ins in the community. Please keep a look out and report any suspicious activity and break ins to the police. We have been noticing quite a bit of overgr...
A downloadable mod.
This is a Half-Life 2 map made for the LD Jam 7, hosted by level designer Steve Lee The theme for this jam was *A surprise*, and I wanted to create a very self-contained map in Hammer, since my previous map (which was also my first) was a b...
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