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30 Seconds to DungeonView game page

Hack n Slash through a procedural dungeon
Submitted by seasonalstout (@seasonalstout) — 14 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I was really impressed by the randomization. I don't think most people are going to pick up on that. I just happened to have Avast close and reopen the game and I noticed the layout was different.

I think, as was stated before, it's a little easy. I think some of the rooms (particularly the last room) could use a little more randomization. The music was great and the sound effects were not bad, but the sound when you spam the attack button is pretty annoying.

Good effort! Hope you do more with it.


Thanks for playing, yeah and the weapon drop from the first chest is too (1 of 3 different weapons). I started on some boss fights but couldn't get it finished in time so I just threw together the final room and called it done. There's definatly more I would have liked to do, I'm still playing round with a few things on the map generation so I "may" have an update to this in a week with infinite levels/increasing difficulty (with different skins and enemies). Overall polish was the worst on this project...

Seemed to have a few framerate issues, not sure why though. The gameplay was okay, but having the combination of enemies having one hp and being able to spam sword swings makes it a little too... easy, for lack of a better word. 
The overall look of the game was great, and the soundtrack was fantastic. The animations were clean enough, and the level design was fine. Would have loved the game a bit more with freelook though, but thats more personal preference more than anything.  Great game overall! 
~ Kool Kid 


Thanks, great feedback btw, definitely  things I will keep in mind going forward.


I really like the gameplay and the soundtrack in this game! Apart from the lag, this was a very great submission! Great job! I hope you fix this issue soon, looking forward to play the finished game!


Well, I qgree with Bebecarul. Has some bugs, But I think, for a GJ, was well done. Too literal, IMHO, since its a Quest in 30 seconds, but its ok with that. COngrats!

Hey, if you can, download our game e let your comments, ok ?


Thanks xuti, will do, gonna power through some submissions tomorrow!


Fun game but it's a bit buggy. Camera setup is a bit uninspired. I don't understand why bother with an installer.


Thanks for playing. Was a bit of a rushed job towards the end so a few things got less attention than I would have liked. The installer was due to feedback on my last game, some people didn't like pulling down a random zip. I know it's essentially the same thing with a basic packaged installer.

Actually I don't play games with an installer, since I don't want to give administrator rights to a random .exe from the internet. Most games in a .zip run fine without it, but installers need it.


You're doing so either way, the exe in the zip wont be signed, so you're allowing an exception to run it (Whether you get a prompt about it is up to your settings), and again with the download step, your firewall settings will determine whether you get warning about random exe's and/or zips. I'll change back to zips for  future gamejam's though :)

I'm ok with running the executable, as long as they don't ask for administrative privileges they can't actually do much on my system. Installers however ask for admin privileges, and I'm not willing to give then that :)


I've added a zip if you want to check the game out. Added outside of the submission window so don't feel you have to rate or whatever., would like to hear what you think though.

(1 edit)

Tried it out and it's good! The music is really catchy, the game-play works great, if not super innovative, but I think polish is more important, so good job! Also rated.