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The Code Breaker

A topic by G̸l̸i̷t̴c̶h̸e̵d̵ ̷J̶s̵o̷n̴ created Aug 04, 2017 Views: 444 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 7
(2 edits)

I was actually thinking of not participating at all. Ludum Dare has me way too exausted to participate, and all ideas that came to mind require heavy amounts of art, something that I couldn't make at any means.

While I was looking through a website, I remembered a little easter egg it has, one that includes the konami code. The game idea seems simple now, and the path is clear. 

You, are a professional hacker - decrypter, and only take offers others can't possibly complete. You will be tasked to break into various computers and sites alike, in a very limmited amount of time, of 30 seconds. Other offers may include decrypting various messeages. Those ones won't have a time limit, and will be consider training missions.

This won't ever be "first place, oh wow this is amazing", but it's better than nothing, will keep me entertained, and I want to do a solo participation anyways!

Any progress through the game will be uploaded as a reply on this topic.


i had a game idea like 5 years ago.

where you are a hacker and you have to use REAL CODE to like hack into banks websites etc.

but my game making skills we're shiat.

so i abandoened the idea. :(

I was thinking about using real encrypted messeages, but more encrypted on harder levels, and with more hints on starter ones.

Actual coding will require extra work, because the game needs to know what each part of the puzzle does. It's like making a game engine, just simpler. If it's your first game idea, and first game prototype, I would suggest starting with a simple game of pac man or something similar. 

Making sure you can move a player, have key input controls and things like that is essential to programming. One of my first learning projects was pac man, and it improved my programming skills by a lot, and all the mechanics that I used then, I use all the time now.

The main menu is done! Any extra information needed to be filled will be done later (for example the controls information tab).

Here is a small video clip showing the main menu!

I know I haven't been posting a lot about the progress of the game, but it is being made. I just haven't got much internet access right now since I'm on vacation.

The icon for the first level is now done, as well as the layout of the build and the wire paths. Here's some screenshots of all that.

A main mechanic for this game will be the actuall coding of the virus you're going to use on each level. The coding for that is done, and it allows the user to:

  • Search for different wire lines (red, yellow, blue, light blue, target file)
  • transmit through those wires
  • destroy the target file or the virus you created (clearing evidence)
  • upload the target file (not yet implemented)
  • save and load the script you just made so it can be used at the level

Training Missions Complete!

I have now created all the scripts and such to make level creation for Training Missions take less that a few minutes to add! I just have to change the code solution of each level, and the level is done! Well, of cource the encrypted messeage will have to change as well (the text that will give you a hint to what you're suposed to be righting), but that is just a string with automateable line down mechanics (which I have the code ready from my Candy Wars game for LD39).

Anyway, that is now done and the main level will be done soon enough as well! I have been working on both types of level, so the main one is almost finished as well!

(1 edit)

I just added two more Training Levels and one more Main Level. I'll add two more Training Levels and one more Main Level, just so the game has a small amount of content in it, and I can't call it a complete fail (for the game jam event. For a project to just work on it's doing great!)

Edit: The Main Levels use the actual coding part of the game, while the Training levels are just some riddles that you have to solve.

There are 3 Main Levels, 5 Training levels, and 3 minutes too late. I can safely call this game jam entry a failiure. The game idea may be good, but the gameplay isn't finished. There are a ton of bugs and the whole game at its curent state is clearly a prototype, and not something completed. Better luck next time, I guess...