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El Renfecito (IDBA 2023 WINNER edition)View game page

Viaje inmersivo sobre cómo nuestras acciones generan el cambio (recomendado jugar con sonido)
Submitted by Culo (@elculoextremo), gabubonico (@gabubonico), sariusDEV, kiaralu, PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé, Astor Barnes (@astorbarnes), Marta Ryu (@marta_ryu), FUTURE RUINS, pepealkalina, thedunewitch, IreneCentelles (@Centellesart), GUTI_DEV, joseajierro, Enedee (@Doseka_), Arcadehead (@chantiwastaken), Sirsergioser, findemor (@findemor), Astrophel Dev (@astrophelmoore), Beatriz Guayanfanta (@guayanclipper), Mercado (@mercadodev13), Pepe Coral (@PepeCoral_), Andresito (@andresito_epi), Gonz Tirado (@gonz_tirado), Angel Poulain (@angelpoulain), Irx99 (@irx99), ArtistSynth, Penta, S. Lucas Serrano, Eufrasio (@EufrasioDev), José (Joser) Gala Naranjo (@Joserbala), joshykrat, Carlos Cortés, IhToN, Luizo, ARAMROT (@_aramrot_), ilovemedia (@rakelka), Rivero (@AdrianRiveroF), kahsez (@kahsez), Alhifer (@alhifer), Alberto Alcázar aka Seven Words (@sevenwordsmusic), delaVarga, Isa Arrans (Isattorney) (@IsattoVonKarma), Jaime Mesa Dev (@JaimeMesaDev), Ferboid (@ferboid1), Sadidadri, Fran Gambero (@Takox), Papri (@AlvaroPapri), Sambero (@SamberoDev), Fran (@fjgaldo), ThePurpleRaven (@PurpleRavenEuw), amyconi, IcaroJam, Rocket Raw (@rocket_raw), JParamade (@JParamade), Víktor (@Cake_The_Snake), Daniel Robledo (@dc_robledo), Lex_Artis_ (@Lex_Artis_), Quedeponios, ricborrull, Kuraishisama (@Kuraishisama), Raúl "Lindryn" López Martín (@RalLpezMartn), klavera, Irene Lara (@irlaluen), Sergio García, Rha, REIMYMONFER (@ReimyMonfer), David A. Velasco (@David_A_Velasco), Yomissmar (@yomissmar), RicoAlbe (@ricoalbe), mixtoko (@mixtoko_), Luiserchote (@luiserchote), Nanaki, KentuckyFriedDreams, Naburo (@Naburo_rae), JPQueirozPerez, Jose_Cabello, Nightframes_ (@Nightframes_), Iván Moreno, IntelTank (@IntelT4nk), Pablo arj, Cactusmancer (@cactusmancer), Renato Meyer (@Renato_Meyer_), Raúl Rosso (@ElRoSSo), Helena (@ryedsun), AQUILES (@NoEstoyAquiles), danlles247, cqto, Moreno (@morenob15), Nerea Rizo (@nerima96), Pabluwu (@pabluwu707), Adrián Córdoba (@AdrianCCDev) — 3 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Disqualified. This is a very suspicious submission. Way too big a "team" for what I could see from the game itself, considering rating is submitters and contributors this would be unreasonably unfair on everyone else. Comments filled seemingly by bots.

DeveloperSubmitted (5 edits) (+12)

Totally reasonable. Our aim was to make the smallest Game with the biggest team (and credit everyone) to make a statement against bad industry practices (and many people from the spanish Game industry were on board). The comments are not actually bots but a meme that parodies a Spanish Game development company CEO's tweet praising Elon Musk.

As a fellow Game jam organizer, sorry for the inconvenience.

Have a great day.


If there was a specific reason you wanted it as part of the jam then I'm happy to allow it with 1 contributor, rather than.... However many that is! Like I say, the main concern is unfair rating tampering. That many contributors also caused an issue with the submission page.


We wanted to make an interesting 1x1 game for the game jam and then thought about making a huge team. The best course of action is to leave things as they currently stand so that it isn't unfair to other people. We had fun and gave you a headache, I think it was enough. 

Have a great day, thanks and sorry!


...............biggest team I ever seen