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Game Jam Team looking for an artist.

A topic by TK Creations created Aug 01, 2021 Views: 336 Replies: 5
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Hi everyone, I'm part of a team that's going to be participating in this game jam. I was wondering if there were any artists looking to team up with us as we consist of a designer, a sound engineer and 2 programmers. If you're interested just leave your discord username here and I'll send you an invite to our group.

Look forward to working with you!

Hi. I never participated in GameJam before, but i know how do UI and flat graphic. 


Im interested ! what engine do you guys use ?


We're going to be using Unity.

Hello, well, I would also like to join your team, I know some 3d modeling and I am learning to make music, I can also illustrate some things and do the ui, my discord is: In_A_Meantime #5374

Interested in the audio/music production if you still need some! t_i_t_u_s_#5862