Gently satisfying, and enjoyed it I was. The nut smashing sound is different but actually better than the celery twisting sound I expected.
However, as this game is supposed to be relaxing and never punishing at the slightest, the unexpectable jerky collider-driven movement of the hammer can still sometimes be frustrating. I'm not against making it hard to get all combos, but it feels kinda unfair to have my combo broken by pure RNG when I’m like 2 rows in. It not just about expecting players to set their own goals and finding their fun, you also have to allow them to do so.
But if you can somehow convince me in the game that it's part of the underlying struggle to overcome for nut smashing zen, then I guess that’s ok.
But still, If I've cleaned plate, i.e. finished the game, then I guess its a good game overall.
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