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Lemon H Quatra updated a Experience 1 year ago
A downloadable Experience.
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HIMkoto published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
This is my submission for the Maximannor Jammin' Jam 3, which I unfortunately wasn't able to finish in time, so it's just an intro, I'm gonna finish this later because I like how it sounds so far but right now it's not much lol.
Rakarious published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
Lemon H Quatra published a Experience 1 year ago
A downloadable Experience.
we hope this pathway is the stepping stone we want it to be. May the current forever shadow your movement
Ninja Coder Tech published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
i actually made a cool build up for it but i wasnt sure what to do so my mind went... many ways help
CHRONOMATOPOEIA published a asset pack 1 year ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Your journey lies through the inevitable Griendelgrieg Pass, home to dueling wizards who will fight to extract the essence of your will from its puny mortal coil. As you enter the pass, you feel the electric hum of their intentions and hope...
TPXAlpha published a soundtrack 1 year ago
A downloadable soundtrack.
The lightning wizard oozes strength and intimidation, for he possesses the Storm Power This song took 5 hours and 6 minutes as of writing, and it started a week ago. This is a submission for MaxiMannor's Jammin' Jam 3. MaxiMannor's Jammin'...