Short and sweet!
Finally got around to playing A Rebound from Mars.
Really enjoyed the creative use of creative commons assets in this. The usage of zoomed in hands of the sprites to trace the stars, and small details like that help elevate a jam project.
Even though this isn't the newest of concepts, Kraaj made it their own. It's sweet, touching, and a nice 30 min play.
I'm glad I finally got around to playing My Municipality, albeit a year after it was initially released
I hate that my closest point of comparison is Hetalia, or perhaps more accurately the Scandanavia and the World comic, but the idea of taking the medium of gay furry visual novel to tell the story of a redistricting campaign in i would have never come up with that in a million years.
And it fucking works!!! Characterization , comedic timing, custom visuals...and a touching scene at the end work to tell the story of government overreach and the fight to stop it...all in the form of a romance.
10/10, would recommend.
Ostersundom x Sippo forever!
i loved reading this short novel with cute and funny characters