Very sweet and kind VN. It really feels like you're reading a standard rom-com manga. Thank you very much for hooking me, manga style, because thanks to this vn I was lucky to get to know other works of this author.
I'm a sucker for a mystery game, and when I saw that there was a lot of custom stuff made for the default sprites for the game jam, I was intrigued.
A cool thing about this VN is that the story frequently relies on flashbacks, which has the effect of adding information and contextualizing later events. The mystery part I find to be pretty successful, with little hints seeded throughout the narrative
At times, I do think the narrative could be trimmed a bit, but altogether, it's very much worth a look
Rating: 3.75/5
I was massively impressed by One More Night, especially for being essentially a demo and a game jam entry, it has a polish that I don't see in many longer non-jam projects.
Production-wise, OMN uses many different aspects to tell its story and keep you hooked. Text tags, changes in scenery, and manipulation of the backgrounds/in-game camera allow for things to be shown and not told, often-times allowing the reader to have a more impactful and meaningful experience rather than if the aspects were written out.
This VN's writing hits the nice middle ground of "profound but not navel-gazingly-philosophical", and honestly created a really emotional experience at different points in the game. This VN also masters using later narrative to contextualize earlier narrative—I think that's all I can say without spoilers.
If I'm nitpicking, the gameplay element was a little vaguely described, and although I figured it out, it perhaps could use a bit more explanation in the full project.
However, this is, all in all, a really good VN that made me want to look at the author's past work.
Rating: 4.5/5- Excellent