A victim of ambition. There’s way too much the developer wanted to do and it all just doesn’t fit a month-long Game Jam. Multiple choices, many paths, this was never going to be finished properly at the end of a single month.
As to what is there in the project, the prose is just very basic with a couple of semantic and grammatical errors. The way one of the characters reacted to the possibility of the MC being a trans person kinda rubbed me the wrong way (the whole set up did, actually, but I think, in part, it’s the intended reaction).
New World Symphony presents an emotional tale that feels personal and natural, but that must be consumed using the most imperfect of writing.
The set up here works extremely well. A tale of moving out of the country and the effect it can have on the relationships in one's life. Every interaction comes off as natural and characters are believable and likable as they work through this conflicting moment.
And yet, the elephant in the room trumpets far too loudly to not comment on.
This is a work clearly from an English as Second Language (ESL) developer and prose and dialogue really suffer for their lacking grasp. For each emotionally resonant moment, there's an odd sentence that ill fits the situation. For every well done introspection and description, there's odd phrasing that staggers the flow of reading the story. Some of these mistakes are acceptable, but putting it all together it really does harm the experience.
That a story with such uneven grasp of the language it's written in still receives a high score is no mistake. If you can abstract its faults, you will find an excellent story that exudes personality and naturality to enrapture you from start to finish. The plot really is the star of the show and it’s worth a read for that alone.
What We Were Wolf is a cute, quirky project that works well enough but doesn't wow.
The plot at hand is easily the most interesting thing about and the developer has made good use of the medium of VNs to tell the tale. However, the word count just isn't enough to deliver on all the emotions at play. The lack of narration or internal monologue especially hurt this facet. The readers are seldom allowed to bask in the emotions between the characters as the pacing is pretty fast, albeit not enough to harm the overall project.
W4 (as I'm calling it) works well enough, but it can't help but feel lacking important bits that could really elevate it. Still, it's cute, fun and engaging throughout.
Hour offers too little for a reader to latch onto. The choice to tell this story out of order is intriguing, but there's very little that actually connects its two main parts. Even the part where plot progresses the most is pretty basic and fails to deliver anything compelling enough. This project, as is, hurts for some restructuring and expanding for it to click properly.