Thanks again to everyone who submitted theme suggestions! All in all, we received a total of 63 different themes! Now that the suggestion period is over, everyone participating in the jam will have a chance to sort through all of them and vote on their favorites!
Theme voting will be similar to Ludum Dare in that it will take place over a series of rounds. Each round, participants can choose their top 4 favorites from a selection of the themes.
- Round 1 has ended. You can view the results below.
- Round 2 has ended. You can view the results below.
- Round 3 has ended. You can view the results below.
- Round 4 has ended. The theme will be posted to the jam page roughly 5 min before the Jam starts. You’ll be able to view the results below shortly after the jam starts.
The final round (Round 4) will consist of the top 4 picks from each previous round. The winning theme will be kept secret until the time the jam starts on October 5th.
This post will update each time a new round starts with a link to where you can submit your votes for that round.
Because doesn't have a system set up to handle this, I'll be using Google Forms. Each form will be limited to 1 response and will require you to sign into a Google account in order to use it.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!