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How is Everyone Doing?

A topic by Byron-Haze created Mar 08, 2021 Views: 212 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Just curious to know how everyone is getting on with the adventure's they are writing.


Hope they are coming along well! Take a look at the example if you need to see how it comes along! 👍


I hope so as well. I keep hitting the point where I can't think of anything which needs doing to my adventure but then I proofread it or playtest it and something jumps out at me, demanding to be added or changed.

I have resisted the temptation to look at yours so far, despite how intrigued by it I am and I've just seen a second one has been submitted.


Starting to come in!👍


I am surprised by how completely different they all are so far both from each other and the one I'm still busy improving.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I have finished mine, a friend proof-read it, I suppose it is easier to do that if it is not your own work. I am leaving it for a few days to come back to with it, with fresh eyes to see if it can be further polished. I managed to have three endings. I am looking forward to reading others peoples work when they get submitted.


I am glad you have managed to get yours sorted.

While I have sent someone a copy of mine, it is now an old copy, as I have added quite a few improvements. At the moment I can't think of anything more which needs doing to mine, but then that was what I was thinking this time yesterday and then I had ideas and ended up adding four more sections, one of which were to correct a minor error.


I just uploaded mine.    If I wasn't so busy with work, I'd drop everything and start playing through the other submissions tonight.   So much talent -- this is gonna be great!


Yours is very impressive. I'm continuing to be amazed by the diversity of the entries so far.  I have played through three of them to their conclusions and part way through one  of the two which looks like it might take hours.