Maybe it's time for me to put my challenges too XD (game: All colors in control)
There's actually 2 kinds of challenges, one is to get more kills in one round (Killing), another is to let as many ships alive as possible.
Challenge ONE (Killing): Get 50 kills in one round
That is,control your enemies to defeat other enemies for 50 times, and you are still alive XD
( I personally got 28 for highest )
Challenge TWO (Preserving): Let all music tracks play together!
There's a mechanic in this game: when a type of enemy ships raised its amount, its themed bgm plays along and get more complex (0 silence, 1 barely heard, 2 normal volume, 3 music variation (4 or more won't be different)). And when the ship amount reaches [3,3,3,3], all tracks play together!
A lot harder challenge than just getting 50 kills in one round. XD
Also you may need OBS or sth to record a video for this, because that won't be noted at result list. And [3,3,3,3] status probably won't last long because all enemies all still attacking each other.
Hope you enjoy the play XD