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Writer/Narrative Director Looking for a Team

A topic by created 15 days ago Views: 217 Replies: 7
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Hey guys, aspiring writer here looking for a team to join to help create the story. Can do anything from flavor text to dialogue. Had experience with a couple of jams before so not a complete newbie. Discord handle = RedPatreon

Hey not sure if I can do the jam but if I can I would love to team up!

Dope man, you on Discord?

yup I’ll dm you

Hey man, I haven’t joined any jams before, but I’m down to write some music if you need it!! Lmk if you need some examples 

Will do


I've always wanted to make a visual novel, do ya wanna team up? I'm good at code and pixelart

Yeah that'd be dope man. Do you plan on submitting it for this Jam?

Discord is #RedPatreon