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Looking for team

A topic by Semiken48 created 39 days ago Views: 87 Replies: 2
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Hello, I'm a new programmer using godot engine and looking for a team. Now songwriter and designers are needed.

I've been practicing making game jams for a while now. I want to try doing it as a team.

This is my first time trying to find a team. If I missed anything please tell me.

Thank you.

Hello, I'm also primarily a programmer using godot and i can do some game art and 3d Modelling but i'm not extremely good. Just know that i'm not trying very hard to win this  jam and i also work a full time job. I just wanna do this for fun. If I'm still welcome to join your team add me on discord: nuno.7

OK, I sent you a friend request.
Anyway, Thank you for inviting me.